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Pilates at Home!

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Pilates at home

If you suffer from back tightness, this class will teach you to relieve back tension with If you suffer from back tightness

Pilates at home

This class is all about spinal mobility. Starting on a wall and moving to a chair we move through roll downs and a standing 

Pilates at home

This class is a Pilates chair class with mat options. Classic Pilates abdominal exercises flow together to build your core

A woman doing Chair Pilates, smiling

This class is an all over work out including movements that your body yearns for, movements that support every move you 

Pilates at home

This class brings everything together for a fun full body Pilates Chair workout. You will need a theraband to do this class.

Women sitting on yoga mats laughing and talking

This Pilates chair class is recorded from my large group class in Ballina. An all over body workout with a focus on spinal 

Women in a mat class doing ab work

This Pilates chair class is recorded from my large group class in Ballina. An all over body workout with a focus on improving.

Chair Pilates

This class touches all the important things, core, shoulders and hips. You will need a theraband to do this class.

Chair Pilates

This chair class has a focus on upper back, shoulders, glutes and hamstrings. THis helps to support your neck, abdominals 

Pilates at Home

This chair class works everything! Feet, core (especially obliques), hamstrings, did I mention core? Back, Glutes and core 

From Pancake to Apple

With a focus on functional glutes, this class supports low back by getting the glutes working. We use the chair in some 

Woman doing chair Pilates

Spinal mobility is an easily forgotten part of functional movement. Essential for ease of movement and fun to work on, even in 

Woman smiling

Part 2 throws in some really fun moves to get your spine moving freely.

Pilates at Home

This class is a fun, flowing, all over Chair workout using a theraband. Designed to put a smile on your dial and a good one to 

Pilates at home

This class is a fun, flowing, all over Chair workout using a theraband. Designed to put a smile on your dial and a good one to 

Woman lying prone on mat

This mat class is gentle, targeted core strength work, based on the Pilates mat sequence.

A woman sidelying on mat doing Pilates at home.

One of my favourite classes! A focus on glute strength AND length to make your low back feel sublime.

Pilates at home

This Pilates mat class mobilises your rib cage to enable deeper functional breathing.

A woman doing a pec stretch against a wall.

This Pilates mat work out uses a wall to get deeper connection and support.

Mat Pilates

This mat class has a focus on the breath. A calming flow to promote relaxation.

Mat Pilates

This mat class has a focus on upper back, shoulders, glutes and hamstrings. THis helps to support your neck, abdominals 

Pilates at Home

A gentle, targeted gift to your core! Exploring breath, responsiveness and length. This is a reset class full of  

Core Reset Part 2

This class combines functional breathing and rib mobility to ‘wake up’ the natural function of your deep core.

Woman seated on mat, smiling

Have fun with rolling, a key part of the Pilates method, with this 25 min Mat class.

5 Days to a stronger core

This brand new course is all yours! A series of tutorials between 10-25 minutes each. Do them over 5 days to

Pilates at Home

This class is designed for soothing hip inflammation such as bursitis or fluid in the joint capsule. A very gentle retune for your hips.