Why you need to stop judging your body

Why you need to stop judging your body

It doesn’t matter what exercise you are doing, or not doing, stop judging your body and you will get so much more out of it! I hear it from clients a lot, “this is my bad hip”, “this is my ‘lazy’ leg”, “my knees are...
Tips for starting a new habit

Tips for starting a new habit

Starting a new habit can be tough and now that our New Years resolutions are distant memories it’s a good time to check in with how we are tracking towards our health goals. We all have new habits we want to make a part of our lives!As a Pilates teacher teaching...

Will my pelvic floor ever recover?

If you are wondering what happened to your pelvic floor strength and if your pelvic floor will ever recover, this blog is for you. You may feel pressure down whenever you use your abs, you may leak when you sneeze, jump or cough. You may just have no idea whether your...